Javaniska Elflora

Alocasia scalprum

We have seeds, offset tubers, and plants from Alocasia Genus, click here to see our Alocasia collection.

Alocasia scalprum

Alocasia scalprum or known as Alocasia samar, is a species of flowering plant in the family Araceae. This species is a native to Samar island, the Philippines. Well known from cultivation as a houseplant in the Philippines, and introduced to aroid enthusiasts in 1984. It was not formally described as a species until 1999. This plant has glossy, lance-shaped leaves with embossed veins take on a blue sheen when mature.

SYNONYMS:ÂAlocasia ‘Samar’, Alocasia ‘Samar Lance’, Alocasia ‘Samar Prince’.

DISTRIBUTION:ÂPhilippines, Samar Island

We have seeds, offset tubers, and plants from Alocasia Genus, click here to see our Alocasia collection.

Species description

Diminutive to small herb; leaves several together; petiole shorter than the blade, to ca. 10 cm long, sheathing in the lower third, green mottled darker green; blade narrowly lanceolate, slightly falcate, 15-25 cm long x 2-5 cm wide; anterior lobe ca. 14-22 cm long, with the margin entire and slightly revolute (dry); anterior costa with 2-3 primary lateral veins on each side diverging at ca. 45°, like the costae and secondary venation deeply impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially; secondary venation arising from the primary at a low angle and running to margin, not or hardly forming interprimary collective veins; posterior lobes much reduced, forming narrowly triangular auricles 1.5-3 cm long; posterior costae poorly developed, naked in the sinus for ca. 1 cm to almost throughout their length.

We have seeds, offset tubers, and plants from Alocasia Genus, click here to see our Alocasia collection.


Inflorescence solitary; peduncle subequalling the petioles at anthesis; spathe ca. 6 cm long; lower spathe ca. 1.5 cm long, subcylindric, differentiated from the limb by a weak, gradual constriction; limb lanceolate, green, mucronate for ca. 5 mm; spadix somewhat shorter than the spathe, stipitate for 5 mm, the stipe partly adnate to the spathe; female zone ca. 6 mm long, obliquely inserted on the stipe, narrow, ca. 3 mm thick (dry); ovaries subglobose, ca. 1.2 mm diam.; stigma sessile, discoid, almost as wide as the ovary, weakly 2-3 lobed; sterile interstice ca. 9 mm long, the lowermost synandrodia reduced, thence the interstice ca. 3 mm thick, slightly tapering distally; male zone somewhat thicker than the upper part of the interstice, 4.5 mm diam, 8 mm long; synandria rhombo-hexagonal, strongly wavy-edged, ca. 1.5 mm diam.; appendix 1.6 cm long, tapering; infructescence whitish yellow.


ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet for this species, comes from the Latin scalprum, which refers to a tool used for scraping, paring, and cutting away, very similar to a modern knife, which the leaf of Alocasia scalprumresembles.

Alocasia sinuata and Alocasia scalprum are sympatric on Samar and Leyte islands, and there are wild collected specimens that show characteristics that are reminiscent of both species.

Buying Alocasia scalprum from Javaniska Elflora

Welcome to Javaniska Elflora’s website. Our stock contains seeds, plant and tubers in various size, offset tubers or bulbs. We sometimes offer our mother plants in the shop section.

If you have questions or need further information about the species, tips on planting, complains on shipment, please contact us directly to our email or contact our whatsapp admin for fast response. Thank you all.

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