Alocasia scabriuscula
Alocasia scabriuscula is a native species of Borneo, Indonesia.. This species is a subshrub and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
SYNONYMS:Alocasia guttata, Alocasia imperialis, Alocasia villeneuvei
Species description
Robust herb ca. 0.5-1.2 m tall; rhizome ca. 5-10 cm thick; leaves several together; petioles typically spreading and proportionately rather short about equalling the length of the blade, ca. 40-100 cm long, smooth to scabrid or sparsely to densely minutely pubescent, rarely plain pale greygreen, usually ornamented with irregular sparse to dense purple-brown dots, circles and longitudinally aligned broken fine lines, sheathing in the lower ca. 1/3; blade ovato-sagittate to broadly ovato-sagittate, ca. 40-85 cm long, adaxially dark to light grey-green and sometimes conspicuously darker along the main venation, abaxially pale grey-green to rich purple, occasionally flushed purple on both surfaces, very thickly leathery to almost succulent; anterior lobe widest at ca. V4 of the way distal to the petiole insertion, the apex acute to obtuse; anterior costa with (4-)5-8 primary lateral veins on each side diverging at 45-60° and with conspicuous green, purple or purple-ringed axillary glands, these sometimes also present in the axils of the larger secondary veins; secondary venation ± flush with the lamina to somewhat impressed on both surfaces (depending on thickness of blade), often abaxially obscure or conversely sometimes conspicuous through pigmentation of the bordering lamina, forming more or less welldefined interprimary collective veins; posterior lobes ca. 1/3-1/2 the length of the anterior, usually acute, sometimes rounded, the inner sides usually narrowly to very narrowly oblanceolate, sometimes wider becoming ovate; posterior costae diverging at 60-120°, naked in the sinus for ca. 2-4 cm, rarely with lamina to the sinus, but never peltate as adult plants
Inflorescences several together in a tight low cluster; peduncle hardly or not exserted from the subtending cataphylls and leaf sheaths; cataphylls ovate, rather fleshy, often marked like the petiole; spathe greenish to yellowish white to ivory, often speckled purple, sometimes suffused purple throughout or the limb purple, (7-)9-10 cm long, constricted (2-)2.5-3(-5) cm from the base; lower spathe thick, narrowly to broadly ovoid; limb oblong to ovate, 2-3 cm wide, eventually completely reflexed, the tip apiculate to acuminate for 1.5 cm; spadix very shortly stipitate for ca. 1.5 mm, (5.5-)6-7 cm long; female zone (l-)ca. 1.5 cm long, subcylindric to slightly conic, squat, (0.8-)1.2-1.5 cm wide at base; ovary pale green to cream, ovoid, 1-2 mm long; style slender, 0.5-1 mm, facing diagonally outand up-wards; stigma cream (turning yellow in spirit) mostly 2-lobed; sterile interstice (4-)7-8 mm long, somewhat narrower than female zone at base and ca. 3-4 mm diam., narrowly obconic, basally ca. 2 whorls of somewhat lax white subcylindric synandrodia ca. 1.5 mm diam., distally composed of ca. 3 whorls of synandrodia ca. 2-3 mm diam., closely resembling synandria; male zone ivory, ca. 1.5-2 cm long, 5-7 mm diam., often somewhat constricted level wth spathe constriction, (1/4-)1/3-l/2 (-2/3) within the lower spathe chamber; synandria 2-3 mm diam., rhombohexagonal to somewhat irregular; thecae not overtopped by synconnective; appendix ivory, (2-)2.5-3 cm long, tapering to slightly spindle shaped, 5-7 mm diam. at base, the tip usually shghtly obtuse; fruiting spathe ca. 4.5 cm long broadly ovoid, white, usually speckled purple.
ETYMOLOGY: The specific epitet scabriuscula comes from the Latin scăbrōsus, meaning scabrous, rough
Alocasia sinuata and Alocasia scalprum are sympatric on Samar and Leyte islands, and there are wild collected specimens that show characteristics that are reminiscent of both species.
Buying Alocasia scabriuscula from us
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